Feb 16, 2011

Who Dun It?

Professional Organization Needs Assessment

Solve organizational mysteries by determining the answers...

There is a mess?  Who dun it?  Where?  What are we doing about it?
Remember the game of CLUE?  Players narrowed down choices before making an accusation -
"I believe it was MRS. WHITE, in the STUDY, with the KNIFE!"

It works for organizing too!  Start simple.  Narrow the work to:
One ROOM (kitchen, basement, family room...).
One kind of STUFF (clutter, stacks, storage...).
DO one thing about it (recycle, organize, discard...).

ROOM                           STUFF                           TO DO
Kitchen                           Clutter                             Discard

Family Room               Furniture                        Reuse                                    

Kid Bedroom                Mess                                 Re-organize

Home Office                 Paper                                Reduce

Garage                            Stacks                              Recycle

Basement                       Storage                           Organize

"We believe it was the CLUTTER, in the KITCHEN, and we can DISCARD it!"

Mix and match to suit your needs.

"I believe it was the Stacks in the Home Office and I will Organize them." 

Everybody wins!
Except Mr. Boddy.


  1. Brilliant! Makes the idea of organizing a game instead of a chore!
    Julia Dudka

  2. I love this idea! I am going to start doing this today. It makes keeping the house in order sound more manageable.
