Feb 24, 2011


“I have a microwave fireplace in my house. 
The other night I laid down in front of the fire for the evening in two minutes.”
- Stephen Wright

Define, "mantel."
mantel n : a beam, stone, or arch serving as a lintel (horizontal piece across the top of an opening that carries the weight of the structure above it) to support the masonry above a fireplace; also : a shelf above a fireplace...

Two years ago, while re-purposing our guest room to host a French High School Student for two weeks, I hopped on the Quotes on the Walls bandwagon.  Looking for something friendly to replace a series of five floral papers in marching frames, I turned to the computer.  My tween opted in and (for free!) created a kicky set of letters for us to spell out, "L-A-U-G-H."

Together, we pulled the decorative floral papers out of their frames, slipped her "L-A-U-G-H" letters in and...voila!  Très bon.

Can't remember when they were removed from the guest room to rest upon the mantel, but they have been living there happily ever since...

Amusant :)

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